I have recently discovered cuff links. Not that I wasn’t aware that they existed before, I just didn’t have any real interest in them. Now, absolutely mesmerized by them, I am trying to convince my fiance to start collecting them. Failing that, i will attempt to start collecting them myself and force him to wear them on occasion.
I found these on etsy.

Apparently the color of your cuff-links should match with other accessories that you are wearing like belt, shirt, ring etc. For example, you should not wear silver cuff links with gold accessories. Also having contrast between your shirt and cuff links would make your cuff links more noticeable. Wearing silver cuff links on black shirt is a good idea. If your shirt design is pattern or striped then you should select cuff-links with simple and solid design which will compliment the design of your shirt.
These are from Cuff-Daddy.

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