There is nothing like a beautiful mirror to accessorise a room, they also happen to be quite useful when it comes to checking one’s hair.
I currently find myself in a situation where I don’t have enough wall space in our new main bedroom to hang a beautiful full length mirror – mostly due to the fact that a lot of our wall space is currently occupied by cupboards. Please don’t misunderstand, this is in no way a bad thing – a girl can never have too many cupboards or diamonds in my opinion.
Seeing as I am in no way willing to sacrifice cupboard space, I needed to come up with a solution which would leave me with my beloved cupboards and give me the lovely mirror I so desperately need. Which led me to this quick and easy diy solution for my little dilemma.
By covering my existing doors in mirror panels, they not only become more practical but they also create interest and reflect a whole lot of light into the space!
via furnnish
via decorpad
via lonny
Top imagine via pinterest
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