One of my all time favourite online gift shops Lark has started their three day winter sale today. I figured there is no better better time to feature them on my love to love list! And here they are: Little lamb freckle ottoman $238.00 Diner wall clock Price: $49.95 Porcelain wallpaper by Studio Ditte $190.00 Home […]
About Antoinette
Author Archive | Antoinette

Well said
Framed print from Society 6 I am feeling inspired to make this day count, I hope you are too. Tweet

Natural History
Natural History was launched by Sarah Lidwell-Durnin in 2010. Their collection of linen cushions, soft furnishings, home accessories, ceramics and stationery was inspired by 18th century illustrations of insects and coral, and French encyclopediae of the natural world. They are based in the UK but their work can be found all over Europe and […]

Limit to your love
There is in fact, no limit to my love of photographer Jacob Gils’ series ‘Limit to your Love’. This is what this very talented artist had to say about this series: “The ‘Limit to your Love’ series was created by my wish to break away from controlled commercial photography. I wanted to loose control and […]

Bonkers for bookcases
The wonderful thing about a bookcase is that it does double duty as storage space for books as well as display space for accessories. They say that “a house without books is like a body without a soul” and I couldn’t agree more. One of my favourite things to do when walking into a new acquaintance’s house is scanning the […]

Long live the Queen!
It’s true, the jubilee jolliness is upon us and even though I am proudly South African and we have been liberated from the British some time back, I am not one to hold a grudge. I plan to take part in my own small way by enjoying a delicious cup of English tea whilst watching the festivities on television. […]

Quick & simple DIY
There is nothing like a beautiful mirror to accessorise a room, they also happen to be quite useful when it comes to checking one’s hair. I currently find myself in a situation where I don’t have enough wall space in our new main bedroom to hang a beautiful full length mirror – mostly due to […]

Quick & simple DIY
There is nothing like a beautiful mirror to accesorise a room, they also happen to be quite useful when it comes to checking one’s hair. I find myself in a situation where I don’t have enough wall space in our new main bedroom to hang a beautiful full length mirror – mostly due to the fact that […]