I am lucky enough to have a job that involves me searching for beautiful and inspiring things on a daily basis. Be it on the internet, in magazines, on television or just by opening my eyes and looking around me. These are some of the beautiful images that inspired me today… Radostina Remodelista We are […]
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A brilliant idea!
What a great idea for that little bit of leftover red or white wine – I never like to waste a drop! As seen on Pinterest Simply pop these out of the freezer whenever you need to add some wine to your favourite dish and VOILA! Tweet

Where can I find these clever mugs?!?!
I want to, no wait, I HAVE TO have these! Does anyone know where I can find these in SA? I saw this on Pinterest and if I don’t find them soon, I might have to try my hand at making them. And THAT, is gonna be messy! Tweet

Storage solutions!
It has been said that I could very possibly have a slight problem when it comes to packing things away. I LOVE IT. Naturally I also love things to pack stuff away in, such as beautiful boxes, trunks, chest of drawers, shelves, baskets… the neater the better! These storage solutions on Everything fabulous got me […]

Patriotic Monday
I was so delighted to stumble upon this Style At Home post this weekend and it made me realise once again that I take so much of the incredible beauty of Africa for granted. After a visit to the beautiful Ngala Safari Lodge in South Africa Style At Home‘s advertising sales director, Julie Wiggins, recreated […]

These scatter cushion covers from Mengsel are all the rage right now and with good reason. I have been a fan of Luzelle’s for a while now and just when I thought she couldn’t possibly get any more clever – she did! Tweet

Andrew Dominic
Today I am coveting this cellar table from furniture designer Andrew Dominic in a BIG way… In my fantasy home I would use it as a kitchen island and add some of these Draper kitchen stools below. BEAULAH! Tweet

Time to throw it
Autumn is now firmly upon us and that means the weather has started to turn. If you are lucky enough to live in Cape Town like me, that means beautifully mild sunny days and slightly nippy evenings. If you happen to live in Johannesburg, for you it would mean rain and LOTS of it. Either […]