Growing up, my mother and I had a very specific tea routine:It started with English breakfast accompanied by marmelade toast in the morning.Then there was Earl Grey with biscuits as a mid morning snack and then the delectable afternoon Lemon Tea. Some of my fondest childhood memories involve my mother, my grandmother, my aunts and I […]
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Captivated by colour!
There is no way that you can be in a foul mood in the Café Foam in Stockholm, Sweden.Note Design Studio is responsible for the interior and I must say, i feel happier just looking at it. So bright and beautiful! Tweet

Touchable textiles
I love something with a bit of a feel to it, something you can roll around between your fingers… These are from Pertletta Carpets and if I had one of them at home and don’t think I would ever be able to do anything but roll around on these and do that stretching-out, rolling-about-thing my […]