Today I am reminded once again of my unbridled affection for inapparent awesomeness.
Those things/people/experiences in life that can sometimes seem so unimpressive at a glance can turn out to be mind blowing, stirring and possibly marvelous.
I have been reminded that scratching beneath the surface could potentially open up your thoughts, your eyes and your heart to something you could never have imagined.
I am ashamed to say that I have always flatly refused to consider a pug as a pet.
I thought them strange looking with their bug eyes and flat faces and also didn’t quite get the grunting and groaning noises they make.
THEN, I met Molly. Only the cutest little character you have ever met in your life and coincidentally, a pug!

This is Miss Molly, photo by Sarina Scheepers
Molly has transformed my friend & her boyfriend into a little family and I recently had the pleasure of staying with them for a couple of days in London.
It took about two and a half seconds for this little “person” to climb into my heart. I now find her bug eyes adorable and her grunting noises endearing. I am back in Cape Town and I find myself missing her soft little tummy and how she used to snuggle in my neck.
There is so much to experience in life, why limit yourself?
I am so grateful for the reminder (from such a very strange and unexpected source), not to close myself off to new experiences.

A pug has reminded me that there is no such thing as better, only different.
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