I just love this unique design from the Saba Italia 2010 collection. Why? Because it’s different, simple and somehow elegantly quirky.

Leaves me breathless
I have been an avid follower and fan of skinnylaminx for quite a while now and could not be happier to see that they have given me yet another opportunity to covet.Behold their fabulous new print called “Leaves” available in autumn gold and winter grey! To purchase these and a wide variety of other lovely […]

Pretty plates and things
German design guru Sieger has recently joined forces with well-known porcelain manufacturer Fuerstenberg and together they are creating some handmade beauties!I have fallen head-over-heals in love with this dinner set called “Emperor’s Garden”.This range of porcelain for meals will instantly transform any first time entertainer into an accomplished hostess. They don’t seem to be available […]

You can do eeeet! Drawer liners!
Beautiful, scented drawer liners can create a yummy smelling little resting place for your oh-so-cherished garments.I recently found these beautiful drawer liners at www.hammocksandhightea.com. Even though they are uber-pretty, they are on the pricey side at $25 each, which got me thinking that it might be worth it to research making one’s own. And when […]
Me likes a pretty picture
1 you need to learn how to properly expose.#2 you need to know how to see and manipulate the light.#3 you need to develop and stick to a consistent post processing workflow so your customers know what to expect.#4 either good business sense, or a good education in running a business.#5 Persistence and perseverance. There […]

Andreu World
Today I happened across this sleek contemporary furniture range by Andreu World. Founded 55 years ago in Spain Andreau World design, develop, manufacture and market contract furniture internationally. Fortunately for us they have now spread their wings to the sunny shores of South Africa. To find out how you can get your hands on these […]
Dyeing for a change?
There are few things in life
My teapot obsession
Growing up, my mother and I had a very specific tea routine:It started with English breakfast accompanied by marmelade toast in the morning.Then there was Earl Grey with biscuits as a mid morning snack and then the delectable afternoon Lemon Tea. Some of my fondest childhood memories involve my mother, my grandmother, my aunts and I […]

Captivated by colour!
There is no way that you can be in a foul mood in the Café Foam in Stockholm, Sweden.Note Design Studio is responsible for the interior and I must say, i feel happier just looking at it. So bright and beautiful!

Touchable textiles
I love something with a bit of a feel to it, something you can roll around between your fingers… These are from Pertletta Carpets and if I had one of them at home and don’t think I would ever be able to do anything but roll around on these and do that stretching-out, rolling-about-thing my […]